Xbox Live update includes USB support:
Microsoft Announces Xbox Live update and a brand new branded USB device from SanDisk.
Today, Microsoft has rolled out an update for Xbox 360 gaming system will allow users to profile and game information stored on a USB drive. In a blog post, Xbox Live Director of Programming 360 Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb said it will update a number of USB devices to accept, but warned that the first players to their drive to work with the Xbox 360 to configure.
"Once you do that the system will be a one-off performance and integrity to perform the disk check to confirm it is working properly," writes Mr. Hyrb. "You will be able to configure the amount of storage used on the device, up to 16 GB. The remaining space on the flash drive will be accessible via your PC or Mac."
Hryb said that Microsoft have partnered with SanDisk to release an Xbox 360 branded USB drive. According to the people over at Gamespot, the drives, which arrive pre-configured for the Xbox 360, available in 8GB and 16GB capacities, and sell for $ 40 and $ 70 respectively. "Until then," Hryb wrote, "begins April 6 (when we update the system to it) can all pop 1GB flash drive in your Xbox 360 and configure it as storage."
OK. So let us ensure that we have this straight: Microsoft is going to $ 70 charge for a pre-configured USB drive? Do us a favor, and Potter to Google and plug "16GB USB 'in the search box. Odds are, do a lot of results to see drives retail for less than $ 70. SanDisk, for instance, sells an 16GB Ultra Backup for between $ 30 and $ 50 depending on the retailer.
By our calculations, that means you will pay at least $ 20 for Microsoft to drive preconfigure your figure, and probably some nice graphics. But maybe we're unfair. Talk to us: Have you downloaded from Xbox Live update yet? Are you going to buy a branded Xbox 360 drive?
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