Tri Energy Inc. - Another Ponzi Scheme?
Therefore, a company called Tri Energy Inc. is involved in this Ponzi scheme. Tri Energy Inc. is a Nevada company engaged in coal mining. Reports say that Tri Energy initially raised $ 2,500,000 from offers and sales to at least Washington investors towards funding coal mining operations of the company and its two other partners, namely, H & J Energy and the Middle East gold investment organized by Marina Investors Group. Moreover, these investors alleged Ponzi scheme Tri Energy Inc. learned about this investment through a particular occasion she Mildred and Ronald Stultz potential victims to go through a series of "Millionaire Mind" by Peak Potentials Training seminars. Investors were told that they have two options to invest in them, coal mines or gold bullion. It appears that the Tri energy only two coal mines which are different from what they say during their orientation to potential investors. Unfortunately, both regarded as unprofitable mines with total losses amounting to 32 million U.S. dollars, mainly from victims of this Ponzi scheme.
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