Customer does not like brandy, threw bottles clerk:
A Shop 'n Save clerk suffered a 1-inch long cut on his chin after a customer threw a bottle of brandy at him, police said. Susheel Kumar of Ankeny was working at the shop n 'Save at 1829 Sixth Ave. around 4:20 pm on Saturday when a male customer asked for a bottle of Paul Masson Brandy, according to a report from the Des Moines police. The suspect opened the bottle and started drinking in the store. If Kumar, 39, asked for payment, the suspect reportedly said he did not like the way the cognac tasted and had no intention of paying. Kumar told the suspect if he had to pay because he opened the bottle, the suspect allegedly threw the bottle at him, striking his chin, the report said. The suspect was gone when police arrived, but they could videotape a good description of the suspect to get. The suspect was not found within the area.
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