Jada Pinkett Smith Keeps the Flames Burning with Husband Will:
A Break from the Cheating Scandals:
Jada Pinkett Smith explained on The Oprah Show how she and husband Will Smith keep the sex alive. "I want to know what you do to keep this flame burning," Oprah Winfrey asked. Jada said she does such things as send Will sexy pictures to remind him of what's waiting at home or if Will is on the set of Hawthorne, they take breaks. An embarrassed Will Smith grinned and squirmed but did not deny her admissions
Jada Pinkett Smith's revelations are a welcome change from the infidelity scandals.
Although some would assert that Jada Pinkett Smith should keep her mouth shut when it comes to intimate details about her marriage, lately all the public has got on the subject of celebrity marriages is negativity. It has been a season for celebrity cheating and it's so bad that the public expects celebrity marriages to fail.
Listening to Jada Pinkett Smith describe her marriage to Will Smith, one that has lasted for over 10 years, is a refreshing change. Both Will and Jada look healthy and happy. We have no word that Will is a celebrity that drinks and visits prostitutes. We have no word that Jada is a celebrity that takes drugs and starves herself. On the surface, they look like two people in a happy marriage.
Should we believe Mr. and Mrs. Smith?
Is the Smith love affair fact or fairy tale? Changes are if there's some dirt to tell on the Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith marriage, it would have been dug up by now. The National Enquirer and similar outfits have gotten really good at uncovering all the sordid details of celebrity relationships. So far, there's no icky dirt on the Smith marriage. It's a joy to see a celebrity marriage that's working and many would like to see it remain that way.
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